Upcoming Events

2024 Resonance Summit: Explore the Healing Power of Play
Online for Free: April 5 @ 8:00 am – April 9 @ 5:30 pm PDT
Experience the healing power of play in a deeply immersive five-day event! Did you know that each of us has a neural circuit and body system dedicated just to play? PLAY IS OUR BIRTHRIGHT!
Join me for my keynote address
April 6, 11 to 12 pm PST:
To Play or Not to Play?
That Should not be the question!
Learn more about the 2024 Summit and register for free HERE!
Cambridge Forum for Children’s Emotional Well-being, March 2024

Date: Monday 4 March 2024
Time: 18.30 to 20.00 – FULLY ONLINE
We are delighted to announce that Terry Marks-Tarlow will be speaking on how we access ‘hard to reach’ knowledge that we hold within ourselves. Terry will discuss the importance of intuition as the most complex perception and response available clinically. She will cover qualities and neurobiological origins of clinical intuition, as well as how clinicians can access their own unique style. Terry is the author of influential books such as Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy: The Neurobiology of Embodied Response and Play and Creativity in Psychotherapy (with Marion Solomon and Dan Siegal). Her website can be found here: https://www.markstarlow.com
The Cambridge Forum for Children’s Emotional Well-being is a forum/ seminar based at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education. Find out more about our counselling courses in the link below.
Forum purpose:
• To promote and extend the practice and development of psychotherapeutic counsellors in the region
• To offer a vibrant programme of courses and conferences which provide for the continuing professional development of psychotherapeutic counsellors

Words are used all too often where a picture is needed, especially with respect to complex, highly charged, emotional topics. Art can soften painful experiences by bypassing logical thought and cutting under ordinary defenses. This artist spotlight centers on a graphic novel with co-author Leanne Domash recently published called, The Eel & the Blowfish: A Graphic Novel of Dreams, Trauma & Healing. This is a zany and humorous book that takes readers on a psychedelic journey from trauma to healing. Set against the backdrop of the close friendship between our heroine Toni and her friend Lulu, a myth-like tale of sibling incest begins with a disturbing dreamlike sequence, which the heroine Toni brings to her psychotherapist, Dr. Young. Excellent psychotherapy and strong friendship help Toni to find her power and learn to speak about the unspeakable. The presentation uses art images to reveal signs of trauma in the face and body posture; complicated processes of psychotherapy, including transference distortions and embodied dreamwork; and real-life interactions between an incest survivor and her perpetrator.
RSVP by clicking HERE.
Virtual access will be provided prior to the event.
WHY COINCIDENCES CAN BE MEANINGFUL!![]() Interview on New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove A FRACTAL EPISTEMOLOGY WITH TERRY MARKS-TARLOW Watch Here! Terry Marks-Tarlow describes fractal mathematics as providing a new vision of the universe with broad implications for every field of science. In particular, she offers suggestions as to how fractal patterning could resolve the dilemma as to whether Jungian synchronicities can be viewed as truly “acausal.” She provides illustrations of the many ways in which fractal patterns can be found in nature and, especially, in the human body. She describes fractal boundaries as occurring between normal dimensions of existence. New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the 1st Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death. (Recorded on October 31, 2021) ![]() |

Monday, December 7, 2020
10 – 11 am PST
The Role of Fractals in Spiritual Expansion
Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD
Fractal patterns are everywhere in nature. Fractals model that which is most complex, nonlinear, and unpredictable–outside and inside our bodies, brains, and minds. This presentation illuminates how the patterns of our lives as well as qualities of our minds, including spiritual expansion, can be understood scientifically through fractal lenses.

Paradoxes of Neuroplasticity How the Brain Compensates, Grows, and Heals While the Mind/Body Gets Mired in Habit Presented by Terry Marks-Tarlow, Ph.D. Insight Center 1404 Greenfield Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025 March 14, 2020 10:00 – 5:00 pm [CLICK HERE TO REGISTER] Scientists believed that the mature brain anatomy was fixed and incapable of change or regeneration for many decades. It was commonly believed that the brain underwent a long slow process of decline after childhood until death. However, contemporary neuroscience has shown this to be far from true. While clear limits exist, the human brain is flexibly adaptive in various ways throughout the lifespan. Transformation of the mind/body/brain holistically through successful psychotherapy is one case in point. This workshop examines the miracles and dangers of neuroplasticity, including the history and controversies surrounding the concept. Throughout the day we will address the seemingly paradoxical aspects of plasticity—the very same mechanisms allowing for change also move us ever deeper into our earliest habits. $195 – Full tuition $165 – Early registration (ends February 29, 2020) Pre-licensed student discount – 30% Use coupon “student30.” [CLICK HERE TO REGISTER] |

Terry Marks-Tarlow, Ph.D. will receive the 2019 Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession of Psychology Dr. Terry Marks-Tarlow has devoted her life to pursuing her passions for personal self-exploration and professional development. She regularly presents her own theoretical approaches and novel ideas at professional workshops throughout the city, the country, and internationally. To date, she has authored/edited nine books on creativity and clinical intuition and has served on numerous professional boards and committees, including LACPA’s Board of Directors, LASCP, Gestalt Therapy Institute, and the California Board of Psychology. She co-produces LACPA’s annual Mirrors of the Mind art exhibit. Dr. Marks-Tarlow is on the Advisory Board of the California Dance Institute, the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Play, and is a distinguished member of the Panel of Experts for The Neuropsychotherapist. |

Peeling the Onion: A Fractal Epistemology for Transpersonal Psychology
Panel Discussion: Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD, Yakov Shapiro, MD, Katthe Wolf, MA
Association for Transpersonal Psychology 50th Anniversary Conference
April 12, 13, and 14, 2019
Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California

May 31 – June 2, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Philosophy, Art, History, Brain Science, Anthropology, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence
Music, Subtle Energy, Tai Chi, Brain Dance
Nondual Consciousness and Spiritual Experience…
Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, Nancy Ellen Abrams, Ervin Laszlo, Judith Blackstone, Asoka Bandarage, Paul Mills, James Clement Vanpelt, Stephan Schwartz, Rick Barrett, Jeffery Martin, Terry Marks-Tarlow, Tobi Zausner, Anngwyn St. Just, Bernie Baars, Neil Theise, Natalie Geld, David Edelman, Ed Sarath, Constance Scharff, and many others.
Including a Saturday evening social event with doctoral students and additional presentations.
Theater of the Mind: Performances for Healing and Growth
Join us for an exciting evening of theater, music, and dance—all with one thing in common: the journey toward psychological healing and growth. Theater of the Mind will engage your senses as you are taken through a carefully-curated show full of creative expression in an intimate theater setting. Including everything from dynamic dance performances to thought-provoking dramatic pieces, you don’t want to miss out.
A collaboration of the Los Angeles Psychological Association (LACPA), San Fernando Valley Chapter of the California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists (SFV-CAMFT), and California State University, Northridge (CSUN), Theater of the Mind aims to provide a night out on the town while raising awareness about the importance of psychological and emotional health in our communities. So, come out, have some fun, and support a great cause while you’re at it. Get your tickets here and we’ll see you at the theater!
Saturday, February 23, 2019 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM PST
The Electric Lodge 1416 Electric Avenue Venice, CA 90291
Get Your Tickets Here!
The Los Angeles County Psychological Association’s Community Outreach Committee
Mirrors of the Mind 7:
The Psychotherapist as Artist
A juried exhibition of visual arts created by psychologists, psychotherapists and students
RECEPTION, November 24, 2018
Saturday, 6:00 to 9:00 PM
Santa Monica Art Studios, South Hanger 3026 Airport Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90405
Poetry Reading Live Music Light Refreshments
Exhibition Dates: November 21 – December 1, 2018 Gallery hours, Nov 21 -Dec 1, free to public Wednesday to Saturday (Thanksgiving excluded), 12 – 6 pm
JURORS: Robert Bilder, PhD, Rebecca Catterall CURATOR: Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD CO- CURATOR: Pamela McCrory, PhD
Register here

The Mask of Self-Deception:
Addressing Fantasy and Illusion in Psychotherapy
Terry Marks-Tarlow, Ph.D.
June 23, 2018
10:00 – 5:30 pm
Insight Center
1404 Greenfield Avenue #1
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(Pre-licensed students can get a discount of 30% using “student30” coupon)
Early registration ends February 23, 2018
Event Registration
About Time!
Temporal Dimensions to Being, Self, and Psychotherapy
Terry Marks-Tarlow, Ph.D.
March 24, 2018
10:00 – 5:00 pm
Insight Center 1404 Greenfield Avenue #1
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(Pre-licensed students can get a discount of 30% using “student30” coupon)
Early registration ends February 23, 2018
Event Registration
Free! Two Day Rushi Chan Meditation Workshop!
A dynamic practice of meditation training for mental health providers
Sponsored by the Los Angeles County Psychological Association’s Community Outreach Committee
Trainers traveling from Beijing in combination with local trainers will work with translators.
They will offer meditation techniques geared specifically for mental health providers for the first time!
Dates: Saturday & Sunday, January 13 & 14, 2018
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Address: LACPA Office
6345 Balboa Blvd,
Building 2, Suite 126
Encino, California 91316
To participate in this unique opportunity, please RSVP to
Terry Marks-Tarlow: markstarlow@hotmail.com
When: November 10 – 12, 2017
Where: Philadelphia Airport Marriott
One Arrivals Road, Terminal B
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19153
Clinical Intuition to Enhance a Creative Practice: The Beginner’s Mind – Part I (Saturday morning)
Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD
Clinical intuition is a necessary ingredient for change regardless of therapeutic orientation. This presentation explores aspects of clinical intuition, including its neurobiology, and differences between creative spontaneity and impulsive enactment. Tools are offered to help clinicians turn fully into themselves and others, and open up to this particular person in this particular moment.
Clinical Intuition to Enhance a Creative Practice: Flowering into Wisdom – Part II (Saturday afternoon)
Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD
Therapeutic wisdom represents the flowering of clinical intuition within a stance of humility, compassion, and non-judgment. This workshop explores the fallacies of common assumptions about clinical expertise, and stresses accepting uncertainty, ambiguity, and paradox. Therapists need to maintain self-care and give up the urgency to “fix” problems and “direct” outcomes. Attendance at Part I of the workshop is mandatory to attend Part II.
Mirrors of the Mind 6:
The Psychotherapist as Artist
ART EXHIBITION DATES: November 15-26, 2017,
RECEPTION : November 18, 5-10 PM
Theater events, poetry reading, silent auction, snacks and food!
EXHIBITION LOCATION: Art Share LA, “Sanctuary for the Arts”, 801 E 4th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90013
JURORS: Robert Bilder, PhD, Rebecca Catterall, Gus Harper
CURATOR: Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD; CO-CURATOR: Pamela McCrory, PhD
Beyond Words: Experiencing Somatic Psychotherapy
When: June 9, 2017 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Where: Antioch University Santa Barbara,
602 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, USA
Presented by AUSB Master’s in Clinical Psychology program, this unique one-day training will explore current developments in the area of somatic psychology through a combined seminar/workshop learning experience. Faculty and practitioner-scholars will share expertise on the intersection of interpersonal neurobiology, attachment, sensorimotor psychotherapy, and the arts. Participants will learn the essentials of integrating somatic practice within a range of areas of clinical work, particularly in healing trauma.
Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD
Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy
Bonnie Goldstein, PhD
Introduction to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
Victoria Stevens, PhD
Creativity and the Art of Psychotherapy
Elizabeth Wolfson, PhD
Practicing Poetically
6 CEUs (for Psychologists, MFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs) $75
General admission $60
Please RSVP by May 31st.
Click here for more information
Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy:
The Neurobiology of Flashes, Hunches, and Gut Feelings
May 20, 2017
$195 full / $165 early registration until May 10, 2017
Insight Center
1404 Greenfield Ave #1,
Los Angeles, CA 90025
How do we know exactly what to do and say as psychotherapists? Clinical intuition is indispensable to effective psychotherapy, yet the topic is rarely discussed within the current social politics of our field. Clinical intuition fills the gap between theory and practice through moment-to-moment, embodied perceptions and emergent responses unique to each person, moment, and therapeutic dyad. This workshop explores conscious as well as nonconscious aspects of intuition that arise in therapists and patients alike. An interactive format integrates interpersonal neurobiology with artful dimensions of psychotherapy.
This workshop combines didactic and experiential explorations of clinical intuition from the integrative perspective of interpersonal neurobiology. We will examine our intuition as a bottom-up, implicit, nonconscious mode of communication. We will explore the evolutionary and developmental roots of intuition in mammalian limbic emotional and motivational circuits. Finally, we will use a play model of healing and growth in the therapeutic dialogue, using unconsciously orchestrated games that organize relational bids and rhythms of engagement, defence, and creative emergence.

The Second Annual Online Creativity for Mental Health Professionals
Create Fest is all about empowering therapists to awaken your creative spirit and reignite passion for your work. 12 speakers are passionately committed to helping you revitalize and enhance your practice.
For more information, click here…
Accessing Creative Practices through Developing Clinical Intuition
on the day of the event)
- The paradigm shift afforded by nonlinear science (chaos theory, complexity theory and fractal geometry) for mind/body/brain integration;
- Intuition’s workings via bottom-up, implicit, non-conscious modes of communication;
- Its evolutionary and developmental roots within mammalian limbic emotional and motivational circuits;
- Its creative manifestation in the therapeutic dialogue through PLAY, including unconsciously orchestrated games that organize relational bids and rhythms of engagement, defense, and novel emergence.
Click here to read full event details
*New production presented by Arts Beyond the Machine with the Juilliard School’s Center for Innovation.
Jonathan Dawe‘s CRACKED ORLANDO is a delicate mini opera/ballet running approximately forty minutes and designed specifically for performance in a museum. Recasting energies and sounds of the Italian Baroque, this composition reforges references to early eighteenth century music through compositional workings based upon fractal geometry. A truly miniature work, aspects of the music and drama are distilled into crystallized moments, ranging from shimmering stasis to mercurial flashes. In keeping with these ideas, the text has been extracted from the libretto originally used by Vivaldi, and regrown using fractal methods as well.
Cracked Orlando from the epic fantastic tale by Ariosto, tells the story of Orlando, who in love with Angelica, pursues her to the island of the sorcerer Alcina, only to discover that she truly loves Medoro. Trapped within Alcina’s enchanted realm and distraught with profound jealousy and despair he is taken by great madness. His sickness resolves only when Alcina’s power is broken, all illusions are lifted, and her lush island is revealed as the barren desert it truly is.
COMPOSER Jonathan Dawe
LIBRETTO Terry Marks-Tarlow
ORLANDO Brennan Hall, countertenor
ANGELICA Sharon Harms, soprano
ALCINA Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek, mezzo-soprano
April 21, 2017 Roseville, Minnesota
April 24, 2017 Bloomington, Minnesota
Mindfulness and Creativity Tools
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10:00 am – 1:00 pm
The Five Qualities of Mindfulness: A Multidisciplinary Experience
Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD